Thursday, November 28, 2013

Humans of New York

Existe um projecto chamado "Human of New York" que vou acompanhando quase diariamente. Adoro as fotografias, adoro as histórias que conta.
E de vez em quando consigo relacionar-me com estas histórias.
Uma das mais recentes foi a de uma rapariga a estudar. Quando o autor do projecto lhe perguntou o que estava a fazer, ela respondeu que estava a estudar para a sua cadeira de Teoria da Literatura Comparada Feminista e Queer. Eu fiz um mestrado na área dos Estudos Feministas, de Género, de Mulheres e Queer. E isto tocou-me. Mas existem mais histórias. Tristes, inspiradoras, alegres, sem sentido.
Vejam Humans of New York.

Entretanto, fica a foto e o depoimento.
"It's for my Queer and Feminist Comparative Literature Theory class."
"Let me write that down..."
"I took it more for the teacher than the class. My school was all-male until the sixties, and she was one of the first teachers at the women's college. She's really respected."
"So what's one important thing she's taught you?"
"... about how it's important for feminists to evaluate everyday occurrences. How even routine personal interactions are political. Everything is significant, and even little things have meaning."
"Is it possible to see too much meaning in little things?"
"Well, there does seem to be some people who go around looking for things to be angry about. But if the alternative is to be desensitized to how small things affect us, I think it's better to be overly sensitive."

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